Apple Safari

This search will parse Safari web history from the Plist/Binary Plist files Safari uses to store its data. This includes website visits, bookmarks, downloads, cookies, last session, and “Top Sites” (including thumbnails). The software can also carve Safari web history from live RAM, unallocated space, etc. and does not need the entire Binary Plist file to be present for recovery.


Bing Toolbar

The Bing toolbar is a browser add-on where a user can perform Bing searches. While the majority of the information, such as Facebook and email is encrypted information, the softwareis able to retrieve the user search history. This includes anything they have typed and searched for, or performed an autocomplete and then conducted a search.

The Bing Bar artifact is also capable of retrieving information from the mapping capability of the Bing Bar. This includes the default location of where the Bing Bar Map starts along with the latest locations the user searched for. The amount of searches that are able to be retrieve varies based on the length of the locations the user has searched for.


Browser Activity - Chrome Incognito/Firefox Private Browsing

The Browser Activity artifact will recover browser-related URLs, including Chrome Incognito and Firefox Private Browsing URLs, HTTP request artifacts from multiple browsers, and regular web browsing. These artifacts do not include meta data like the Windows username, dates/times, etc. The intended use for this artifact recovery is to recover private/incognito browsing but various types of browsing activity will be recovered due to the nature of this artifact. Please note that some recovered URLs can be from background browser processes related to certificate authorities, etc. This artifact is meant to assist with intelligence gathering and to recover browsing history when in extreme cases where only private browsing was used or other forms of anti-forensics.


Firefox Places.Sqlite History Artifacts

This is a first-of-its-kind search that recovers browsing history URLs from the places.sqlite files Firefox® uses to store browsing history and other information. The entire SQLite file is not required, only the individual entries. Due to the format and nature of this artifact, some parsing must be done to separate the URL and web page title items. Sometimes this parsing will be incorrect, in this case please see the unparsed column for the original data. Recovered items include the parsed URL, parsed web page title, visit count, whether or not the URL was typed by the user, last visited time (in UTC), and the unparsed URL/web page title.


Firefox Formhistory.Sqlite Artifacts

This is a first-of-its-kind search that recovers query history from the formhistory.sqlite files Firefox® uses to store web page form entry history (e.g. a search entered into Google or other search engine). The entire SQLite file is not required, only the individual entries. Recovered items include the fieldname (the name of the textbox the where the query was made), the value (the text that was entered into the textbox on the web page, e.g. the search term entered), number of times used, the date/time (UTC) the query was first made, and the date/time (UTC) was last made.


Firefox Sessionstore.Js Artifacts

This search will recover URLs from the sessionstore.js file Firefox® uses to store URLs to facilitate recovering from a web browser crash. The entire sessionstore.js file is not required, only the individual entries. Recovered items can include the URL, the web page title, and the referring URL. Some items will have the web page title while some will only have the referring URL.


Google Chrome History

This search will parse Chrome web history from the SQLite files Chrome uses to store its data. This includes website visits, downloads, keyword search terms, top sites, cookies, autofill, autofill profiles, saved credit cards, logins, archived web history, archived keyword search terms, and favicons data.

In a separate search, the software also can carve the SQLite records from the History files Chrome uses – no other tool can do this. Both the carving and non-carving searches are performed when Chrome is checked.


Google Maps

This special artifact will carve for Google Maps URLs, whether or not they are recoverable in regular web history formats. Recovered web history URLs are also parsed for Google Maps data. The recovered information from these URLs can contain:

  • The query the user entered
  • The starting location of a route
  • The center location of the map
  • The latitude and longitude of a business
  • The source address of the search
  • The destination address of the search
  • The route type of the search
  • Additional addresses in the search
  • The latitude and longitude while viewing in street view
  • The artifact the Google Maps URL was found in
  • The record number the Google Maps URL was found under
  • The date/time the search was performed


Google Maps Tiles

This search will recover tiles used in displaying Google Maps and also carve for file names that match the format that the tile files are saved under. The recovered tiles and tile coordinates (x, y, and zoom level) are displayed and by clicking on the "Surrounding Area" tab, the software will download the surrounding tiles to provide a view of the surrounding area. The 'World Map View' will plot all recovered Google Maps coordinates and GPS coordinates found in the Exif data of recovered pictures on a world map. Plotted points that are close to other points are grouped in clusters to provide a cleaner view.


Google Toolbar

The Google toolbar is a browser add-on where a user can perform Google searches. While there are many different features to the Google Toolbar, the software currently focuses on the search history. The software is capable to finding the search history, whether it is typed or autocompleted. The software is also capable of determining which category the userís search comes from, whether it is Google Search, YouTube, Google Maps, Google News, etc.


Internet Explorer v10 history

This search will recover history, cookies, and content left behind when using Internet Explorer v10. IE10 uses a completely different log format than previous versions of Internet Explorer.



This search will carve and parse web history from the Opera web browser, including carving/parsing the “typed” history (URLs or search terms entered by the user). The entire history file is not required, single records can be carved from live RAM captures and unallocated clusters, etc.


360 Safe Browser

This search will parse 360 safe browser web history from SQLite files. This includes website visits, downloads, keyword search terms, top sites, cookies, autofill, autofill profiles, saved credit cards, logins, archived web history, archived keyword search terms, and favicons data.


Xbox Internet Explorer History

This search will recover history, recent/favourites/featured items, and content left behind when using Internet Explorer on the Xbox 360. This can be recovered when doing a sector level search on a Xbox 360 hard drive or image.